Emotions can run high in the debate between faith and science. Just have a look at the high profile effort in the United States to teach Intelligent Design in schools. But is conflict inevitable
People who believe that the source of human existence is a religious Life Supply are aware however that science firmly favours Darwin’s evolutionary theory, which relies on natural selection and chance factors in reproduction. Survival of the fittest means all human beings together with animal life have descended from someone primordial form. Science it seems has no room for religious ideas like a purposeful human development.
The Darwinian view has readily seen off the creationists, who to all mind have failed to observe that the allegorical nature of the Genesis narrative. By this it means that the story of the start of the world and the Garden of Eden is not physics and biology lesson but instead a psycho-spiritual one.
Some contemporary theologians see the first few chapters inĀ manifesting generator on Genesis as a symbolic representation of the source and dynamic evolution of the human psyche and its consciousness concerning its origin, an ageless version of each people created in the image and likeness of God. Thus arguably the Garden of Eden is an image of the state of trust in and obedience to God and the fall of humanity to reliance on self-intelligence and self-orientation.
In my way of thinking that the Bible as a whole, if inwardly understood, shows the religious journey of humankind returning to a state of innocence. We have got a tree of life in the very first book Genesis and in the previous book Revelation; both believe representing the reality seen through the depths of a person’s spirit.
In accordance with this opinion trust in the source is not one based on ignorance However, is one with rational understanding – no blind faith but instead a sensible perception about purpose and meaning that takes into consideration our understanding about life as a whole. People want answers to life’s issues informed by scientific instruction and the rationale of common sense, and by religious wisdom and insight.
When theological doctrines like creationism are seen to lack realistic sense, sometimes guess religion will begin to get side-lined by those who Use their logical minds. A dozen readings from astrologers, psychics, and palm readers, in addition to having dabbled in my own in numerology, face reading, tarot cards, the Enneagram and other systems for self-awareness.